
Welcome to our Web Site for the top UK Shadows tribute band, The Bootleg Shadows.

Contact us by email at contact@bootlegshadows.co.uk

We are on Social Media too on Facebook –                                                                      BOOTLEG SHADOWS FAMILY


 In June 1960 Hank B Marvin, Bruce Welch, Jet Harris and Tony Meehan recorded Apache. This charted in July and became the monster hit that launched the Shadows instrumental career and founded a nation of bespectacled guitarists dreaming of acquiring their very own Fender Stratocaster and stepping out into the glaring spotlight of stardom.

With their immaculate appearance, synchronised dance movements and clean, pure melodic sound, the Shadows chalked up 35 hits of their own (not counting another 33 hits with Cliff Richard), giving them more hits than any other British group and securing them a unique place in the annals of popular music.

Today the Shadows do not make live appearances but the Bootleg Shadows keep their ‘live’ sound and spirit going by performing concerts that encompasses the Shadows amazing career from 1960 up until the early 80s. Concert audiences are invited to relive fantastic hits such as:

Foot Tapper, Dance On, , Atlantis, Wonderful Land, The Rise and Fall of Flingal Bunt    Don’t Cry for Me Argentina, FBI plus many, many more

In the company of Geoff, Howard, Nathan, Tim and Binks the audience is taken on a tour of the Shadows career from 1060 to 1980, as well as some hit songs from “Cliff” as well as some fabulous “wild cards”                             For anyone who loves the sounds and nostalgia of this time – and enjoys a few laughs on the way – Bootleg Shadows perform a unique tribute that has audiences humming the tunes and doing the Shadows famous ‘walk’ long after they have left the theatre.


138 thoughts on “Home”

  1. Hi boys can you please come down to Cornwall & play sometime?
    See you at Lakeside on the 25th at Kathy’s Friday eve bash, & can you bring some t shirts & CD’s along as well.

    Regards Phil

    1. Hi Phil

      Will take your comments on board with Cornwall – we’ll see if there is anywhere that will have us!
      The Bootleg Shadows are not at Lakeside later in September, but I will be there on the Friday at the Sound Desk , so come over and say hello.
      Cheers Geoff

      1. I will support any move for you to visit Cornwall.
        I watched all the acts at the 2 Is, first Tommy Steele then the boys. I was 14 in 1958, and only recently sold my entire record collection.

    2. Hi Phil. After many trips to Devon including Bideford last year, we’re finally going the extra miles for two shows in Cornwall.
      Penzance on 19th October. Newquay 20th. Let your friends know and help pay for our petrol and overnight stay! Let us know if you’d be willing to drop a few leaflets in local libraries, pubs and shops nearer the date and we’ll get some to you. Thanks – Tony, The Bootlegs

  2. Hi guys
    Just wanted to say how much we enjoyed the show, loved the music and hope you will return to Weymouth some time in the future, it was great fun.
    Hank would be proud!

    1. Hi Caroline,

      Many thanks for your kind comments – its lovely to get feedback, The Pavilion is a great theatre to play with very helpful Staff and technicians. We enjoyed ourselves too so thanks for coming!

  3. Phil Kelly’s comments below –
    A bit late but just to say both my son James and i went along to see The Bootleg Shads for the 1st time at the weymouth pavillion.
    We enjoyed great music and plenty of humour and really enjoyed the whole show, being entertained from start to finish.
    All the guys played great and it really came across how much they were enjoying being on the stage , particular mention to Geoff who played excellently, with a great sound to boot, Bob did a great job with the sound as always.
    If you havent see the band yet i thoroughly recommend you pop along and have a listen, you wont be disappointed, keep it up guys.

  4. Great to see Neil and his friend all the way from Australia, they have see both recent shows and had said to Keith they planned their trip to the UK around our Theatre dates.
    That is amazing, thanks a lot for coming along and saying hello.

  5. Greetings,,what’s the chances of coming up to Blackpool Grand theatre in the near future on a Saturday or Sunday night , I’m 100% sure you will fill the theatre… Thanks Tony,,,

    1. Hi Tony
      That would be great wouldn’t it? We’ve had a look at the Theatre and its big, probably too big for us. Thanks for you message though, if there are any smaller venues you know of get in touch.

      1. Greetings Geoff,, There are 2 smaller theatres that have come to mind and they are The Lowther Pavilion at Royal Lytham St Annes Tel 01253794221 ,,,or/and Oswaldtwistle theatre (Nr Accrington ) Tel 01254398319 hope these are ok to give a try Geoff,,ps sat or sun better for me cos I work for Royal Mail ,,thanks again Tony.

  6. 22nd April 2016 Dorking Halls

    Am coming from the frightened city(Leatherhead)
    Would like to thank you all for a fabulous evening and thanks to Tony for coming and having a photo taken with our disabled son Matthew. Hope to see you again and will bring more friends next time.

    Barbara, Mark and Matt xxx

  7. It would be great if you could make it to the South West, Cornwall or Exeter. There is a very lively Shads. club in Exeter I’m sure you would be well supported
    Best wishes.

    1. Played Devon many times including Bideford last December but finally going the extra miles 19th & 20th October 2024 in Penzance and Newquay.

  8. Hello, have you thought about playing at the barnfield theatre in Exeter? It’s a great theatre and it would be great to see you guys here!

    Hope to hear from you
    Joe, 18.

    1. More for Exeter! Are you working together to get us down there? Joe if 18 is your age that makes you about half a century younger than most of our audience and all the more welcome!

  9. We had a great time at the Haymarket in Basingstoke last night. Brilliant show and super music. Would see you again any time. Come back soon.

    1. Hi Hazel
      We really enjoy playing those tunes and we really appreciate you writing to us!
      So glad you had a good time, don’t forget we are at Camberley later this year , all our dates on this web site under Gigs

  10. Clive A.
    30th April 2016 The Haymarket, Basingstoke.
    hi guys,
    thanks for a great entertaining evening, really nice to meet and chat with you all. I have a Fender Stratocaster and would value your advice on the type of guitar strings that are best suited to emulate your sound. ( I am sure they are steel) but wondered if there is anything else I should know, like the grade.
    Many thanks

    1. Hi Clive
      Glad you enjoyed the show and thanks for taking the trouble to write to us.
      With the Strat I use Elixir Nanoweb (anti rust) 10-46.
      They do last a long time keeping their bright tone for ages. In my opinion well worth the extra £ pounds.
      Hope that helps.

  11. Review from Shadow Music Community

    I was at the Basingstoke show last night with my family and friends. We thoroughly enjoyed the show, not just seeing shadows music played well live but the good humour from the band (despite a couple of technical issues) and visible pleasure they showed in performing together onstage. If you get the chance to see the Bootleg Shadows then go and see them and you won’t be disappointed. I look forward to seeing them again.


  12. hi folks, i am in australia, i saw your link on Hit45s.com and thought i would say hi and wish you were doing an aussie tour. have a great time touring.

    1. Hi Neil
      WOW! Thanks for getting in touch, whearabouts in Australia?
      We listen to Hit45s too it’s a great station.
      No plans to tour down under just yet but a big Hi from us Bootlegs to you!
      We are also on Twitter @bootlegshadows

      1. hi guys, from the triangular island under the mainland the lovely island of Tasmania, And thanks for supporting such a wonderful station as Hit45s.com, Love listening to it every day. Will follow you on Twitter too, will do that in a minute, Keep on Rockin guys, and maybe one day you might venture down to the great place called australia.

  13. You guys provided top entertainment tonight at the Palace Theatre, Redditch. Great show and echoed The Shadows music to perfection. Thoroughly enjoyable.

  14. Thanks guys for a brilliant show last night at the Palace Theatre in Redditch. Shame on those people who were dressed as empty seats! They missed a fabulous, professional and hugely entertaining evening. Hope to see you again.

    1. Thanks for the message Alan. Shame indeed on those empty seat people. We had one gig sold out recently but we’ll start bringing a few cardboard cut-outs in future, just in case.

  15. I saw you at Camberly on 2nd July. I was in my wheelchair in the front row with my husband. My dancing days are over I have Parkinson’s but I shook to your beat.
    Incidentally you sing much better – than the Shads


    1. Hi Gill, WOW! Thank you so much for writing to us, we saw you!
      So glad you enjoyed it…. Even our singing….. HA HA.
      We hope to see you again soon.
      If you are on Facebook or Twitter you can also keep in touch with what we are up to on @bootlegshadows
      Many Thanks again

  16. We had a great night, at the Hayling British Legion. Wonderful music from the Bootleg Shadows , they done themselves proud. With a lot of laughs along the way. The Bootleg Shadows, are Happy to talk to people before and after the show. Nice to see them let Tim, do a drum solo. who really went to town on the drums. My wife as just said ,they are the best band she as seen.
    If you get the chance . please go and see them. you will have good time. Chris Jenny and Neil.

    1. Hi Chris, Jenny and Neil,

      Nice to meet all of you and have a chat. We enjoyed playing at The RBL near the Sea!Glad you enjoyed the show.
      Tim loves playing those Drums!
      See you again sometime no doubt!

      1. Sadly. Derrick who compared the show on saturday night at the Hayling Legion. passed away., Early Sunday morning. There are details and comments on their Facebook page. hope you don’t mind me mention it to you.

  17. Hi to you all, Just come home from seeing you in The Playhouse Theatre in Weston Super Mare. Had a wonderful evening. Hope to see you all again soon
    Love Carol & Pete x

  18. Great show last night as ever. Sound problem at start proved to everyone you were totally live. Look forward to seeing you again.

    1. Your comments are much appreciated. Didn’t get many people there but we’ll try to get something in for 2017.
      Three of the five of us are Midlands-based so fingers crossed.

  19. Have you ever come to norfolk (Dereham actually) it is my husbands 65th birthday on 15th August but was wondering if u could surprise him on the Saturday 12th he would be in his element and wow could you imagine his face when you started playing ? Just thought I would ask ?????

    1. Hi Lynda, Norfolk is becoming a great place for us Bootlegs to play – such appreciative audiences. we can’t do the 12th but we are playing at Witham Public Hall on the 19/8 – then you both could surprise us! If you can come, say hello after the show

    1. Hi Peter Thanks for the thought we have not tried that one, it may be a bit big for us at 820 Capacity but I know some acts do not use the Balcony. We will investigate.
      Cheers Geoff

  20. Hi Alan, Really glad you enjoyed the show, it was filmed so we hope we can use some of the footage for a ‘live’ DVD
    ( Including Apache of course )..
    Cheers Geoff

  21. Thanks for the message.
    Nothing at the moment but we’re looking at potential venues in the northern half of the country so watch this space.

  22. Just returned from your Swindon gig what an amazing night. When I hear the Shadows music recreated so faithfully I realise how brilliant the Shadows were!! And then when I reflect on your ability to create this sound I realise too what an incredible special talent you all have!! Thanks for a great night lads, it was a night to remenber

  23. Hi

    Saw you last night, 13th April at The Guidhall, Derby and must say we had a fantastic night. I was brought up listening to Cliff and The Shadows and must say you did them proud.

    Thanks for a fab tie. Hopefully you will be back.



  24. Attended your show in Weymouth this evening and throughly enjoyed it. Pity the theatre was only about half full and hope that doesn’t stop you returning sometime in the future.

    I reckon you would do great on cruise ships or as one of the acts in the 60’s Solid Gold Tours.

    1. It’s a big theatre so we’re not disappointed by the crowd of nearly 200. Tickets going well for Wimborne on the 26th too. We’re always open to suggestions on new venues. Thanks for the feedback.

  25. Fantastic show at Weymouth tonight took me back to my youth, great playing nice bunch of players fun to watch lead guitar ace wish I could play half as good (been trying for a year) would go and see again anytime one of the best shows I have seen for a long time thank you all for a great night.

  26. what a great show at Weymouth the other day really enjoyed it we were sat in the third row i took a couple of videos would come and see you again if we got chance it was a fantastic night really enjoyed it have you been to the Rotherham Civic theatre? We were on holiday from Doncaster

    1. Thanks for the comments. We don’t get up north very often but we have got Cleethorpes lined up next June, not yet definite. We’ll have a look at Rotherham too.

    1. A long time since we played Netherlands and we’ve certainly never played among tulips before. Thanks for supporting us and sending your comments.

  27. Gents

    Many thanks for a great nights entertainment at Wimbourne last night. You a truely an amazing group …will definitely come and see you again .



  28. Great evening at Wimborne last night. No false starts like last Year. All the usual hits plus one or two Cliff songs. The only comment I would make was on the bright white lights pointing at the audience. I noticed quite a few people were shading their eyes. In the end I closed mine when they were on. I could still here the wonderful music though.

    1. Hi Bob, Guess What?? All the gear worked!! Sorry about the lighting, we are not in charge of that but will look out for that next time round

  29. Well, what can I say?! We arrived in Crawley as Bootleg virgins and went home wanting more….much more!! What a great night’s entertainment. Lovely to meet you guys at the end as well. Absolutely splendid!!
    Ps Geoff is better than Hank!!

    1. Always nice to meet our audience and thank you for your support.
      Geoff is definitely cheaper than Hank and we like him a lot, but Keith likes to point out that the rhythm playing is harder as he has to play all six strings at the same time.

  30. Looking forward to seeing you in Swindon on the 14th April, both my husband and I are great fans of the Shadows. My husband does a mean Shadows Walk !!!

    1. Hello There!! We are looking forward to seeing you too Marlene – Make sure you stand up and help us out on the last number – Air Guitars provided!

  31. Saw you tonight at the Palace Theatre, Paignton. A great concert, with an authentic sound, and lots of cheesy laughs along the way. We’ve seen The Shadows a couple of times, and you pretty much nailed their sound! Will definitely go to see you again, and would wholeheartedly recommend you to anyone contemplating one of your gigs

    1. Thank you for your comments and for coming to the show. We’ve already booked again for the Palace in Paignton on 13th July 2019.

  32. Bootleg shadows…..they are one hell of a band….Paignton palace threate on July 14 was the place to be…quality throughout…great humour , great guys..

  33. Thank you for a great night at Stamford on Sunday Sept9th 2018. You really are very good at what you do. Great idea of including a bit of humour during he performance. Hopefully you will come back next year if possible. Thanks once again for a really enjoyable evening.

    1. Hi Terry & Chrissi
      We enjoyed Stamford – our first time there, we do hope to be back, but if not there somewhere closeby.

  34. what a fabulous night in Market Drayton. Sorry we had to go just before the end as our taxi was waiting. Takes me back to my youth and you were all so professional and funny. Hope you come again, all of the gigs we have love their audiance in market drayton, FABULOUS !!!!!!!! JEAN AND MAUREEN SEATS F1 AND 2

    1. Thank you for the great comments. We are back in your area at the Oakengates, Telford next November and we’d love to play Market Drayton again soon.

  35. Went to see the Bootleg Shadows at the Parkway Cinema, Beverley. A very very enjoyable evening. They are a must to see. Hope to see you again.

    1. Hi Derek & Lynda
      Glad you enjoyed the show – we did! We could hear you singing along to the Cliff Set – next time up North is Cleethorpes in April if you fancy it?

  36. 11th February 2019
    Saw Bootleg Shadows at the Parkway Cinema, Beverley
    Thanks for a great show and would recomend to anyone to see if got chance. Mal

  37. Had a great night tonight in Swindon. Full of fun, laughter and great music from very talented musicians. Thanks for a good time.

  38. Really enjoyed your show at Cleethorpes Parkway Cinema on the 21st April 2019.First time I have seen you,and I hope it won’t be the last.Five excellent musicians created the great sound of the shadows,with a bit of humour thrown in.Now 70 years old,I have been a fan of the Shadows since my teens,and try to play Shadows music myself on my Fender Stratocaster for my own enjoyment.Thanks for a great show.

    1. Hi Steve – Good luck with your playing – its great to play the music of your heroes. Hope to come back next year. Thanks for writing to us

  39. 28thApril 2019
    Really enjoyed your show at Clacton’s west cliff theatre on 27th April 2017. First time we have seen your show and it certainly won’t be the last. Great music and excellent humour from start to finish – and to a packed theatre. Standing ovation at end was well deserved for you guys.
    May you continue for many more shows
    Thank you

    1. Hi LI&G
      What a fab audience! – glad you liked us, thank you for your very kind comments. We hope we will be back soon.

  40. Nice to see you all again it was a very good show you put on hope you can come to Weston super mare one day but I will see you all at Lakeside soon. Bill

    1. Hello Bill
      Sadly, WSM has not been the best for numbers when we have played there – I guess you saw us at Paignton? we look forward to seeing you at Lakeside 28th September – thanks for writing in!

  41. Looking forward to seeing you again this time Maddermarket Norwich. Last time was Cromer a couple of years ago great evening.
    Airmail Duo specialising in music of the Shadows will be Anglia Square Norwich 12 till 2pm 4th September.

  42. Hi from Trevor and Toilet Dan . Fantastic evening at Maddermarket Theatre throughly enjoyed it.
    Keep it going .
    You asked for photo s only took one during FBI can t see where to send it don t think I can attach it here.

  43. Hi from Trevor and Toilet Dan . Fantastic evening at Maddermarket Theatre throughly enjoyed it.
    Keep it going .
    You asked for photo s only took one during FBI have forwarded it to email address.

  44. Great show tonight in Gorleston… love you guys… fantastic musicians… loved the acoustic section as well ..xx
    We were dancing down the isle ..
    Seen you 4 times now…
    Come back again..

  45. Great show tonight at Gorleston… 3rd time have seen you..
    Love the acoustic section… you are terrific musicians…
    Do come come back next year
    from the dancers in the isle… x

  46. We had the pleasure of watching your excellent show at the Gorleston Pavilion on 25th October 2019. My partner Kevin and I bought the tickets as a present for my Dad’s 75th Birthday as he is a huge Shadows fan. He absolutely loved your show, enjoying the brilliant music and laughing at the funny moments too! As a family, we all had a lovely night out and couldn’t stop talking about it when we got home. You guys were amazing and we look forward to seeing you again when you return to Gorleston.

    1. Our pleasure too. Nice to hear you had such a good family night out. We aim to please not just the huge Shadows fans but family members too.

  47. WOW.! Just got home from seeing you at the Hawth Crawley for the first time. Your last night of your tour. Booked very last minute yesterday for much needed light relief. WHAT A TONIC. Been an horrendous year and awful few weeks. But tonight we’ve laughed. Sang our hearts out. And listened to some fabulous music played by amazing musicians.
    Can’t thank you enough. You talented people. You lifted our spirits. Thankyou and Bless you x
    See you next year

    1. Thank you so much for the lovely message and your support. Comments like yours make it all worthwhile….and getting paid of course…

  48. hi guys
    travelled a long way to see you at the spa pavilion Felixstowe. my partners birthday present. we were grinning from ear to ear throughout the show.. my partner remarked Tony’s jokes were straight out of my joke book and telling me the punch lines before he delivered them. fantastic., we booked in December but then found you were to perform just 20 miles from us. so round two coming up,

    1. Hi Ray
      First time at The Spa Pavilion – what a great night and crowd. We really did have some fun. You obviously have the same joke book AS our Tony – He will have to think of some new ones! Thanks so much for writing in – see you a bit later in the year

  49. Hi gentlemen! Very many thanks for coming over to the Isle of Wight yesterday to play to a small but very appreciative audience at the Medina Theatre. Brilliant evening and great music. Please come back again when we will endeavour to get a full house. Best regards, Hugh (FOH team)

  50. What a great evening down memory lane boys.
    Form Chesham,Elgiva . 1st July. Looking forward to your return

  51. Enjoyed seeing the show at Peterborough, tonight. Great sound and memories brought back. Hope to be able to see you again sometime. Hubby took photos etc for me!!

  52. Hi GUYS we went to see
    you at the cresset Peterborough on 9th Oct Fantastic show best night ever, When we came out after the show we bought a cd,dvd and guitar key ring, have tried to play the dvd but it gets as far as the intro then nothing the screen is blank, can you help at all ? I would be willing to pay for a replacement. THANKS again for the concert such talented musicians. hope to hear from you soon.

    1. You need to turn off the “good taste” function in your DVD player for it to play! Joking of course – probably just a faulty disc. I’ll email you to get your address and we’ll send a replacement.

  53. I haven’t had the pleasure of hearing Bootleg Shadows live but I have heard the famous Hank Marvin err Geoff give an outstanding rendition of Apache and Foot tapper to a packed Arcadia Theatre audience and he brought the house down and received an 8 minute standing ovation this performance will stay with me for the rest of my live so thanks a million Fred.

    1. Hi Fred, You are obviously Worldly wise on the Shadows and a very nice bloke – I believe it was around 11 minutes ( They were clapping and cheering because I had finished! I hope you will grace us with your presents at The Terry O Toole Theatre in October?

      1. For the last 7 months I have been looking forward to your forthcoming gig at Terry O Tool theatre and I just know it will be a fantastic experience, I do hope there will be opportunity for a chat and autographs with one of my best friends counting down the days Fred

        1. Hi Fred, As one of our biggest fans in Lincoln it will be great to see you again! It definitely will be and experience –
          Are you bringing your Bat – you will need it to do the Shads walk with us on Stage!

  54. Thoroughly enjoyed the show at Sturminster Newton last night. Fabulous guitar playing, brilliant drums (sympathetic to the songs, not drowning out the other musicians as many drummers do). Best of luck for the future Tony. Many thanks and look forward to next time!

    1. Hi John,
      Thank you for writing in – we enjoyed Sturminster too – we have the best sound man in Bob Dore!

  55. Had a brilliant time in Gloucester on the 12th may 2024, The King’s Theatre The Bootleg shadows were fantastic and would recommend any Shadows fans to go along and support them. We had a great chat with Howard afterwards and found that he had great knowledge about the Shadows and also found him and the rest of the Bootlegs very approachable. Thanks for a lovely evening and good luck with the rest of your dates. Thanks David and Rose .

  56. Thanks for taking the time to leave your comments and very pleased you enjoyed it. Our first time in Gloucester so hopefully more people next time. Been a struggle to get the numbers up since Covid so we really appreciate your support. If you know anyone a bit further north in Worcestershire we are in Stourport on Severn on Sunday 2nd June – also our first time there. Swindon in November is about our 7th visit. Thanks again!

  57. Saw the boys twice a few years ago at Sheringham Little Theatre……a 60th birthday treat for me as a surprise…boy were they good!!!Cant wait for Wymondham in 2025 to relive my formative years where the Shadows were never off the radio…good clean music…no screaming idiotic fans or drugs…just proper music which is now played by the Bootleg Shadows….I heartily recommend an evening with them.

    1. Many thanks for your message. First time in Wymondham but we always enjoy playing in Norfolk. Just played Gorleston for the 8th time we think and we also have a return visit to Diss next year. Look forward to seeing you (and as many friends you can bring along!) in Wymondham.

  58. Thanks for the great show at the Lane Theatre Newquay yesterday. It has inspired me to keep practising for our Wyre Forest U3A Guitar group. A long way to go to be a shadow of yourselves! Hope to see you again next June when you will be over our neck of the woods, ( Stourport?). Until then we will keep practising! Thanks a million!

    1. Thank you for your support and comment. A long way for us too! Penzance on Saturday was even further – we just managed not to fall off the edge of Britain. Stourport is a local gig for one member of the band at least so very much looking forward to playing for you again next year (and any friends you can drag along!)

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